Blackpool Tramway: May Bank Holiday Heritage Madness

YouTube Name: David Hennessey.
Sprache: Englisch.
Datum: 6. Mai 2013.
Stadt: Blackpool (Großbritannien).

Das Video zeigt

Blackpool Transport
In Betrieb

Blackpool Heritage Trams: Starr Gate - Fleetwood Ferry
In Betrieb

Blackpool Doppelstocktriebwagen 709, Type Balloon Cars.

Blackpool Triebwagen 600 (ex Blackpool Triebwagen 225), Type Open Boats.


Over the May Bank Holiday weekend of Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th and Monday 6th May 2013, Blackpool Tramway held it's second weekend of heritage operations from Pleasure Beach to North Pier, Cabin, Bispham, Cleveleys and Fleetwood.

This time around, a few members of the 'B' fleet (heritage vehicles fitted with wide-doors to enable use on the platforms of the upgraded tramway system) came out to play, supplemented by a few regular machines. As with the Easter period, the heritage operation was hailed a success yet again, with many enthusiasts and other passengers willing to buy a ticket and have a ride. The final weekend of heritage operations (till the Illuminations period at least) will be held on the weekend of Saturday 25th, Sunday 26th and Monday 27th May 2013.

Vehicles seen out and about on my visit on Monday 6th May 2013 were:
1) Balloon 701 (returning to passenger duty after it's Winter 2013 use as a snowplough car).
2) Brush 631 (Making it's debut in a partially restored heritage state).
3) Millenium 724 (Working a selection of morning services).
4) Millenium 709 (Working a selection of afternoon services).
5) Wide Door Balloon 719 (Out during the late afternoon).
6) Boat 600 (Briefly coming out to play in the late afternoon between Pleasure Beach and North Pier).
7) Boat 230 George Formby OBE (Joining 631 in tandem, on the last scheduled Fleetwood trip of the day).

Usual locations are along the route from Pleasure Beach to Fleetwood Ferry, and also featuring the odd Flexity working.

With thanks to Rob Bray (alias 37057viking; YouTube user 37057viking) for the usual company and banter, and also to Mr Brian Lindop of Blackpool Transport and others, for organising another successful Bank Holiday weekend of heritage operations.

Blackpool Tramway: May Bank Holiday Heritage Madness

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