Lytham to Blackpool Trams and Views 1903 (v2)

YouTube Name: Peter Gillatt.
Sprache: Englisch.
Datum: 1903.
Stadt: Blackpool (Vereinigtes Königreich).

Das Video zeigt

Blackpool Transport
In Betrieb

Blackpool Straßenbahnlinie T1: Fleetwood Ferry - Starr Gate
In Betrieb


This film is part of a series of six from the Mitchell and Kenyon collection from 1903 originally uploaded to Youtube by Gordon Birt. The first reel was taken on Lytham Green opposite the Clifton Hotel on West Beach. The remaining reels follow parts of the Tram journey as it was from Market Square in Lytham to the junction of Station Road and Lytham Road in South Shore Blackpool. The order of the reels in this film has been changed from Gordon's original compilation to reflect the actual route.

Please take a few moments at full screen and enjoy this fascinating set of clips from over a 115 years ago. You might consider changing the speed of the clip to 1.25 in the settings following a suggestion that this more replicates the correct running speed of the film.

The first reel begins with the camera opposite the Clifton Hotel in Lytham before sweeping across Lytham Green with views of Lytham Windmill and the former Lytham Pier. The actual Tram journey commences in Market Square with passengers alighting the tram and the camera also picks out views of the County Pub and 'Old Tom' the tree which used to sit in the middle of Hastings Place. The camera now films the route as the tram slowly begins moving off along Church Road with the camera positioned on the upper deck. Views then follow of Lowther Gardens and St Cuthberts Church before the tram proceeds down Cambridge Road. With Blackpool Road bridge in the background you can also see a steam loco passing underneath. Various parts of an unbuilt Clifton Drive and St Annes Square are captured before heading along Clifton Drive north and then turning down Squires Gate Lane. The railway can be seen as it crosses Squires Gate Bridge together with trams stored by the railways sidings. Finally travelling down Lytham Road the tram crosses Lytham Road bridge with a rare sight of the original South Shore station and platforms which can be seen underneath on the right before this journey finally comes to an end at Station Road.

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Lytham to Blackpool Trams and Views 1903 (v2)

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Zuletzt aktualisiert: 17. November 2024.