Tramway in Parla (Spain) - Citadis tram - Straßenbahn

YouTube Name: jazzcool.
Sprache: Spanisch.
Datum: 16. August 2009.
Stadt: Parla (Spanien).

Das Video zeigt

Tranvía de Parla
In Betrieb

1Parla Straßenbahnlinie 1
In Betrieb


Two years ago the first section of a 8.2 km circular tram route in the town of Parla, in the south of the Madrid metropolitan region, began regular passenger service. Parla is linked to Madrid via Cercanías line C4. Alstom Citadis light rail vehicles, like those used on the Metro Ligero in Madrid.

Tramway in Parla (Spain) - Citadis tram - Straßenbahn

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